Prof. Dr. Abdullah Bereket
Çocuk Endokrinoloji ve Diyabeti Uzmanı
1.Nutritional Rickets in Developing Countries. A consensus symposium on Vitamin D supplementation in children and adolescents. 6th Joint meeting
of the Lawson-Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society and the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Montreal 2001
2.Short stature: A view of a Pediatric Endocrinologist.Europediatrics 2003, Prague, 2003
3.The implications to promote physical activity. European Congress of Obesity Satellite symposium:Physical Activity and obesity: From mechanism to
management., İstanbul 2005
4.Definition and clinical approach to growth retardation in children. Union of Mediterranean Pediatric Societies, İstanbul, 2005
5.5.Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in nutritional rickets. International symposium on Genetic Endocrine Diseases, Antalya 2006.
6.Preoperative assessment of a child with craniopharyngeoma. Consensus conference on Craniopharyngeomas in children. İstanbul 2007
7.Current status of pediatric healthcare in Turkey. The child between science and Pediatric culture: Pediatric international confrontations Conference, Bodrum,Turkey 2008.
8.Nutritional Rickets. Meet the expert session. 8th.Joint Meeting of LWPES/European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, New York, USA, 2009.
9.Rickets in children: Nature versus Nurture. Turkish-Egyptian Pediatric Symposium. Marmaris, Turkey, 2009.
10.Complications and metabolic risks of obesity in childhood and adolescence. 37th PanHellenic Congress of Endocrinology, and 1st Meditarrenean Endocrine day. Athens, Greece, 2010
11.Treatment of Hirsutism in Nonclassical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Androgen Excesss &PCOS Society Update Meeting-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hirsutism. Kayseri, 2010.
12.Current status of childhood obesity and associated comorbidities in Turkey. Childhood obesity Task Force Meeting. 18.th European Congress of Obesity. Istanbul, 2011.
13.Understanding everyday difficulties of treating patients from 0 to 17 with type 1 diabetes including pump therapy. Lilly Regional Diabetes Summitt. Istanbul, 2011.
14.Impact of Growth hormone treatment in Turner Syndrome and SGA. Norditropin Growth hormone Summit-Iraq, Istanbul 2011
15.Neonatal hypothyroid Screening for Congenital hypothyroidism in Turkey. Thyroid health in Pregnancy Symposium. Acibadem University, İstanbul, 2011
16.Type 2 diabetes in children. European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology ESPE Summer School , Leipzig, Germany, 2012
17.Meet the expert session: Management of Central Precocious Puberty in girls. 51. European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, 2012
18.Epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes in children: implications for the future. Excellence in Diabetes Meeting, Istanbul, 2013.
19.Disorders of Puberty. 47th Jeddah Pediatric Seminar. Saudi Pediatric Association Meeting, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2013
20.Evaluation of worrisome growth. 1.st Novo Nordisk BANE Unit “Summit for Growth” Meeting 2013, İstanbul
21.Optimized use of GH in short statured children. 6th Iranian Congress on update in Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013. Meshed, İran
22.Transition to Adulthood: in whom? And How?. 2nd. Novo Nordisk BANE Unit “Summit for Growth” Meeting 2014, İstanbul
23.Nutritional Vitamin D deficiency: Recent evidence. Definitions, clinical implications and therapeutic options. Turkish National Pediatric Society and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint meeting Pediatric Disease Course. 2014, Antalya, Turkey
24.Addressing puberty delay in growth disorders. Advances in diagnosis and treatment of growth disorders. İstanbul 2014
25.A controversial case of Diabetes. European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology ESPE Summer School, Dublin, Ireland 2014
26. Addressing puberty delay in growth disorders. 3rd Novo Nordisk BANE Unit “Summit for Growth” Meeting, Istanbul 2015
27.A Controversial Case discussion of Precocious Puberty. European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology ESPE Summer School, Barcelona, Spain 2015
28.Case discussion of a girl with Turner Syndrome. “Growth Hormone Case Council by Novo Nordisk” Barcelona, Spain October 2, 2015
29.Challenges in GH treatment across various indications: Turner Syndrome and SGA: NordiUp Meeting, Tehran, 13-11-2015
30.A challenging patient with diabetes (Meet the expert session) IIIrd ISPAD Course and Conference. Future Diabetes. Varna, Bulgaria , April 24-26, 2015
31.Trends, challenges and efforts for better management of Diabetes in a transitional society. IIIrd ISPAD Course and Conference. Future Diabetes. Varna, Bulgaria , April 24-26, 2015
32.Evaluation of short children. IVth.Novo Nordisk BANE Unit “Summit for Growth” Meeting, Dubai, 2016.
33.Hypothalamic Obesity – Mechanisms and treatment options. Overview, 4th International multidisciplinary Postgraduate Course on Childhood Craniopharyngioma, April 7-10, 2016, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany
34.Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. 1. Azerbaijan Pediatric Endocrinology Course. March 2-3, 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
35.Neuroendocrin regulation of energy homeostasis and hypothalamic obesity in children. 3rd International Congress of Turkish Neuroendocrinology Society, 29 June-July 1, 2018 Malatya, Turkey
36.Obesity management in children and adolescents. Master clinician case discussion. European Association for the Study of obesity (EASO) National COMs Teaching Course. 22 September 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
37.Obesity management in children and adolescents. Master clinician case discussion. European Association for the Study of obesity (EASO) Training the East Mediterranean Trainers in the Prevention and management of obesity. National COMs Teaching Course. 24 September 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
38.Vitamin D: Present and future. 5th Italian-Turkish Pediatric Symposium. November 1, 2019, Kyrenia,
39.Postoperative follow-up of Craniopharyngeomas. 1. Pituitary days at Yeditepe University. Istanbul, October 12, 2019
40.Premature thelarche: is it related to nutrition. 2nd International Eurasian Congress of Social Pediatrics. Istanbul , November 266-29, 2020
41.Growth outcome in children with Turner syndrome, SGA and Noonan syndrome on GH treatment MEDICO ACADEME Virtual Conference. March 24, 2022.
42.The ACTION Teens global survey: objectives and methods. International Meeting on Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and Diabetes 2022: Treatment. Verona, June 16-17, 2022.
43.“The ACTION Teens study. Rationale and Methodology. International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMES). Seoul, September 3, 2022.
44.Action Teens: background and Introduction. ESPE Satellite symposium: “An ACTION to take to improve the lives of adolescents living with obesity” 60 th ESPE Rome, September16, 2022
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